Yankee Hills Manufacturing Silencers
New Production 2008 Maxim 1911 Silencer
Stainless YHM Mite
The Maxim Woodsman Sound Suppressor from YHM
Tactical Innovations new M2QC Ruger quick barrel change system
Gemtech's New Stuff (including a take apart 22 silencer!!!)
The Gemtech Multimount
The Gemtech Tundra (1.25OD 9MM Silencer)
Gemtech Halo
The Gemtech 338 Silencer
Gemtech Prototype HK MP7 Silencer
Gemtech Oasis
SRT Arms new lightweight Titanium Silencers
SRT's 338 Silencer
The SRT Universal Typhoon Mount
The 9MM integral from SRT